Who knew? Turns out NC's brandy-new (R) chief executive, Pat McCrory, is listening to our protests, y'all! He said so himself this week in an interview with reporter Janet Conner-Knox of the Wilson (NC) Times.
Conner-Knox said on Thursday that she asked McCrory specifically about the Moral Monday demonstrations and whether he planned to ever talk with the protesters.There's only one problem with this statement, and it's a familiar one with the GOP. The problem is evidence. Somehow, in a world where every other person on the street has a sophisticated recording device already in their hand, no recorded audiovisual evidence of Gov. McCrory's claim has emerged.His response, which she said she recorded, was: “I go out in the crowd all of the time. Frankly, yesterday I went out and talked to several of them and they were not very respectful. They did not represent the majority of those who call themselves ‘moral’ by cussing me out, but that’s the way things go sometimes.”
It’s not clear by “yesterday” whether the governor was talking about Moral Monday or a Tuesday abortion protest. Conner-Knox’s report is at bit.ly/12kloPj.
However, hilarity has ensued on Twitter at #patwasthere. Follow me below the orange raincloud for the fun.